Booking info

All important information about your holidays in Saalbach

  • Check In / Check Out

    Check In from 2.00 pm, Check Out until 10.00 am

  • Minimum stay

    winter: 7 nights minimum stay

    summer: 3 nights minimum stay

  • Cancellation conditions

    Bookings can be canceled or rebooked free of charge up to 3 months before arrival. 3 months to 1 month before arrival 40% will be charged, 1 month to 1 week before arrival 70% and then 90% cancellation fees will be charged. In the event of no-show or early departure, the entire travel price will be charged.

    We recommend taking out travel cancellation insurance at

  • City taxe

    A local tax of €2.00 per person aged 15 and over per night will be charged and is not included in the prices.

  • Final cleaning

    We charge the following fees for the final cleaning of the apartments, which are not included in the overnight price:

    Apartment 1 -> € 100,-
    Apartment 2 -> € 120,-
    Apartment 3,4,5 -> € 150,-